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Do I have to join the ASRF to join the Oz-E-Rodders Hot Rod & Kustom Car Club?

Yes, you must be a paid up ASRF member in order to Join the Oz-E-Rodders Hot Rod & Kustom Car Club. If you are not and ASRF member we organise your ASRF membership along with your Club Membership application. Alternatively you can organise your own membership directly with the ASRF. After that just visit our How to Join page to sign up now with your details.


Is Oz-E-Rodders an ASRF Charter Club?

Yes, Oz-E-Rodders is an ASRF Charter Club. You must be an ASRF member to join Oz-E-Rodders.


What do I get for my membership fees?

Membership fees go directly into the operating costs of the club. These costs include our Web Site and Domain Name, club T Shirts, Oz-E-Rodders trophies, beer for Oz-E-Rodders get-togethers when they occur, etc.


What are the Fees and Dues?

Oz-E-Rodders membership costs $20 per person.


I am already in a club . . . can I still join Oz-E-Rodders?

You can join Oz-E-Rodders if you are already in a club provided your existing club allows it. If you are in an ASRF affiliated club already you can only vote on ASRF matters at one club. You nominate which one.


How do I become a Member?

To become a member of Oz-E-Rodders Rod & Kustom club you must be a registered user of the Forums. To register on the Forums, visit and create a new account. Your account will then be activated by the Moderator. Then visit our How to Join page. Your details will be reviewed by the committee and processed as soon as possible.

I need more information.

Post your question/s in the Contacts page and Committee member will contact you.


What is the relationship with is the Home Base of Oz-E-Rodders and provides us with our meeting rooms. Membership of Oz-E-Rodders has NO EFFECT on your interraction and communication with members, nor do Oz-E-Rodders members have any jurisdiction on


What is a Hot Rod?

A Hot Rod is defined as a vehicle which has been manufactured;
a) before 1949, or
b) after 1948 to resemble a pre 1949 vehicle having major components such as body, doors, bonnet, grille shell, chassis etc. designed and built to interchange with pre 1949 components.
c) A Hot Rod differs from a Vintage/Veteran/Historic or a restored vehicle in that it has been altered or modified to use components not produced as part of the pre 1949 vehicle.

What is a Custom?

A Custom is defined as a vehicle which has been manufactured:
a) Before 1965, or
b) After 1949 to resemble a pre 1965 vehicle having major components such as body, doors, bonnet, grille shell, chassis etc. designed and built to interchange with pre 1965 components.
c) A Custom differs from a Vintage/Veteran/Historic or a restored vehicle in that it has been altered or modified to use components not produced as part of the pre 1965 vehicle.


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